Thursday, July 14, 2011

Grandma Petty's Birthday Weekend

Hey everybody!

I finally found some time again to post...

My summer class (cultural anthropology) here at UNLV is over! Yay!
I think this class deserves its own was sooo interesting! Maybe next post.. we'll see.

I also passed my driver's test- FREEDOOOOM!!!!!

Anyways, our 4th of July weekend was great. It's hard to believe that we were in DC just a year ago, watching the fireworks at the Washington monument.

This 4th of July weekend, we went up to the Salt Lake area to go to Grandma's 80th birthday party in Brigham City. When Anthon and I first drove to Brigham City to visit her, I told Anthon that I really wanted to practice driving there before taking my driver's test. The roads are sooo broad that you really have to try hard to hit another car or tree. :-)
Anyways, the birthday party was great and we really enjoyed getting to know the extended family a little bit better. There was just not enough time for that at our wedding.

It was also great to see Mom and Dad again- we hadn't seen them for a while. I'm glad that we got to spend several days with each other- we had so much fun!! I love them and I'm really glad that I have such great, lovely, fun, and young in-laws.

The first thing we did on Grandma's birthday party was having lunch at Maddox. We had been there before with Grandma and really liked it. I think the best thing there are the rolls- soooo delicious! I could have just eaten the warm rolls with the raspberry butter... who cares about the main dish?!? :-) ...yumm! If you ever visit Grandma in Brigham, go there! ;-)

And here are some pictures of the party:

My first time meeting Uncle Jim- what a nice guy!

 Doesn't she look cute?

 After Maddox, we all went to Joe and Jenny's house and had some cake and home made ice-cream.
It was great having some time to get to know everybody a little bit better in their lovely garden.

Everybody could write a page about/for Grandma and were put into a book- such a neat idea.

 The birthday girl!

 When Grandma saw this night gown, she said: " Uhh...sleveless!"  haha.. that was sooo funny!

 Anthon's getting some love... look how much he's enjoying it...haha.. he just loves getting kisses!

I LOVE this picture... this picture could be from an ensign.. :-)

Cute couple, heh?


  1. Congrats for finishing your class! Although taking classes and tests and being a student is hard, it is such a great time in your life when you get to learn so many new things! Great pictures from Grandma's birthday. Thanks for posting them so we could be in on the fun and who was there and all. Oh, and so excited for you to have passed your drivers test! Hooray!

  2. Melissa! I just want to echo Jessi- you are my HERO lady! You were so brave to walk to class everyday and learning to drive in Vegas can not have been easy. I'm so proud of you!

  3. @ Clarissa: haha..yeah..I survived it. My pink pepper spray was my constant companion on my way to school and back. :-)

    @ Jessi: yeah.. I know.. my classes have all been so interesting... It would be perfect if you only had to go to the lectures- no exams, no homework... then I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it.. :-)

  4. Thanks for the wonderful pictures! Hopefully you'll still send us a couple of the ones where Lydia actually (semi)cooperated. You have a great eye for photography; keep it up.

    Always fun to see you guys. Too bad we don't see you more often than we do. Congrats on finishing the class and passing the Driver's test!

  5. haha...yeah... Lydia loves me and my camera.... NOT!
    That was quite funny how she would turn around every time I tried to take a picture of her.

  6. @ Derek: We just visited Artis and copied all the pictures on her hard drive. You can probably get some pictures from her ;-)
